Friday, August 12, 2016

Mellos Galore! (And no update this week)

While I have been working on Lily of Light, the parts that I have been working on does not effect enough of the playable part of the game to justify uploading a new release. However, I do have a part of the creature manual to share with you! I know you can barely contain yourself to take a look at the creature manual, so with no more delays, no hesitation, and no postponing allowed, not even a slight hold-up…

Wait, where was I? Anyway, here's a piece of the creature manual about the Mellos:

Mellos are the first creatures that Lily of Light will encounter in the Dungeons of Darkness. On their own, they are generally harmless. However, their powdery coating is toxic to Lily. When it is shaken off in while a Mello bounces around, it creates a dusting that, if Lily touches, will hurt her.

Mellos are not aggressive by nature, but instead, are curious about new things. When they get close, their powder coating will come off and harm creatures that come from the surface. While they may look like a delicious marshmallow, they actually have a rather bad taste if you try to eat them. This is their primary defense against creatures that are native to the Dungeons of Darkness. No creature likes having a bad taste left in their mouth.

In the dungeons, Mellos have the largest population, even with being some of the weakest creatures you will find. Their bad taste ensures that other creatures will leave them alone, while their vast numbers ensure their population can never drop to zero.

Since Mellos have no identifiable gender, it is still unknown how they actually reproduce. Nobody, including the other dungeon creatures, has ever seen a youngling being born, or even a youth bouncing around. They seem to simply appear out of nowhere as adults. This somewhat bewilders the Creepers, but they have better things to worry about.

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