Friday, August 26, 2016


With my internet being horribly bad for the past couple weeks preventing me from being able to upload any updated versions of Lily of Light, I'm at least going to give you something. Another section of the creature manual for Lily of Light. This time, it's all about the ghosts.

Ghosts aren't all that bad really. That is if you don't value your collected souls for your current level. They don't do physical damage to Lily of Light, but instead, they will steal the collected souls. They can't take souls that have already been used on a level-up, though.

These ghosts are just lost souls. There are plenty of them in the Dungeons of Darkness. They come from many different creatures and simply roam the dungeons looking for a way out. The majority of ghosts will attempt to take any souls that aren't being used because they believe those souls might help them find a way to escape their eternal wandering.
Unfortunately, when they take a soul, it is instantly destroyed, making it a completely pointless effort, but it doesn't stop most ghosts from trying. Some have given up on the escape, and those ghosts stay hidden away because they know that just because they are dead, it doesn't mean they can't be killed. The light can hurt them and destroy their spiritual form. When this happens, their entire being can be collected by Lily in the form of just another soul.

Have a great weekend!

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