Lily of Light is still being developed. One bit of news is that I'm testing a new method of handling the resolution and aspect ratio on startup. Since the game is so easy on resources, there won't be any graphical options beyond selecting fullscreen/windowed. The new method will automatically detect your display's resolution and set the game to a matching aspect ratio. This will remove black bars on non-16:9 ratio screens with no stretching. Windowed mode will be approximately 2/3 your screen's resolution, preventing the game window from getting stuck behind the task bar if you are using a lower resolution... unless you are using an extremely low resolution.
As of right now, this is still being tested and tweaked, so it won't be released quite yet. There's quite a bit of code to go through to make sure there isn't anything getting compromised, such as GUI elements being out of place or any other target positions that are directly associated with the original configuration instead of relative view and display positions.
Some more news is that I am re-thinking some aspects of later-stage gameplay that could make Lily of Light much more enjoyable. Since there is nothing set in stone, I am hesitant to reveal any details at this time. Such is the way of developing on the fly! I don't want to make promises now that will be nowhere to be seen when the game is actually released.
One final item to mention is that I would like to make a call out to anybody interested in being a tester. Here are a few things I am looking to test:
- Non-16:9 aspect ratios of various resolutions
- Low system specs to establish minimum requirements
- Controllers that are not Logitech
- Controllers on Linux
If you can test any of these (preferably multiple), please leave a comment or contact me directly through the Contact Me form on the right.
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